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News 2007
- Welding industry
lawsuits have not stopped quarter profits for one company
named in class action products liability litigation.
- Families of the 17 sailors killed in the October 2000 USS
Cole bombing are suing the Sudanese government for $105
million in a wrongful death lawsuit.
- Borat lawsuits still going
strong as the latest litigation involves an Israeli comedian
sueing for copyright infringement.
- Convicted murderer Michael
Peterson settles with step-daughter over wrongful death
of her mother for $25 million.
- Notre Dame's head coach is suing Massachusetts General Hospital
doctors for medical malpractice after gastric
bypass surgery left him in a coma for two weeks.
- A New Jersey court of appeals has given new life to a Vioxx
lawsuit against Merck Company, Inc. The lawsuit seeks court-ordered
medical monitoring for the plaintiffs to screen out heart problems
as a result of taking the painkiller.
- The Groom Lake hazardous
waste lawsuit is stalled yearly by presidential decree.
Becauseo of national security privileges that case has never
been allowed to go forward.
News 2006
- Provocative CNN host Nancy
Grace has been hit with a wrongful death lawsuit by the
family of Melinda Duckett for unspecified damages.
- Recent tobacco lawsuits
against Philip Morris and R. J. Reynolds reap split decision.
- Fred Goldman
sues O. J. Simpson for fraud in federal court. Fred Goldman,
father of murdered son Ronald Goldman, is claiming that Simpson
set up a shell corporation in order to defraud Goldman for $1.1
million from a book advance.
- The criminal portion of the McDonald's
strip search incident from 2004 has been settled, though
a $200 million personal injury lawsuit against the fast food
chain is expected to go forward. The victim, who was an 18-year-old
employee at the time of the incident has stated that McDonalds
did not do enough to protect her or knew of the hoaxes and failed
to warn its employees.
- As W. R. Grace lawsuits
continue in the civil and criminal courts, the U. S. Environmental
Protection Agency is unsure that the cleanup efforts are adequate
to insure no future asbestos-related illnesses are contracted.
The EPA declared Libby, Montana a Superfund site in 2002.
- The Johns-Manville
Corporation is still being mentioned in current asbestos-related
lawsuits, years after the company set up a trust fund for claimants.
Johns-Manville has claimed responsibility for cases of mesothelioma
and other asbestos-related illnesses in its former employees.
- The shooting and death of groom-to-be Sean
Bell in Queens, New York has outraged the community and
raised the possibility of police misconduct in the incident.
Reverend Al Sharpton has stepped to the forefront to mobilize
a protect over the event.
- California archdiocese run by Cardinal
Roger Mahony has settled with 45 victims of clergy sexual
abuse. The lawsuit for $60 million covers victims from the 1940s
through the 1990s.
- A former lawn care worker is suing Scotts Company for being
fired for smoking off
the job. The company policy is intended to keep down healthcare
costs and the former employee is claiming invasion of privacy.
- Big Dig highway
tunnel lawsuits have been filed against the construction companies
by the family of a woman crushed to death by a falling ceiling
panel and the Massachusetts State Attorney General. Legal authorities
are expecting record punitive damages to be awarded in this
- United States wheat farmers
are reviving a class action lawsuit worth over $1 billion against
the Australian Wheat Board (AWB). The AWB is accused of bribing
Saddam Hussein's regime for lucrative and exlusionary under-the-table
- A circuit court judge in northeastern Kentucky granted class
action status in a labor dispute against Wal-Mart.
Potentially 140,000 or more employees may now join in the litigation
involving allegations of being forced to work on break time
without pay.
- The 13th Sago Mine lawsuit
has been filed in West Virginia against the International Coal
Group (ICG) and others deemed responsible for the accident.
ICG is also said to have inflicted emotional distress upon the
families by not correcting initial reports, in a timely manner,
that all miners had survived.
- Five defendants from Hewlitt-Packard are being tried for fraud
and invasion of privacy
in the corporate spying case that has rocked one of the nation's
largest employers. The scandal has already cost Patricia C.
Dunn her job as chairwoman for HP.
- The Jessica Lunsford Act
is being extended to California in several weeks as Jessica's
Law or Proposition 83 goes before the voters asking for increased
sentences for serial pedophiles and electronic tracking once
sex offenders have gotten out of prison.
- Sony is conducting an unprecedented $400 million recall of
lithium-ion batteries mainly from Dell laptop computers. The
batteries have been shown to spontaneously burst into flame
and Sony hopes to avoid personal injury lawsuits with the recall.
- A new round of personal injury lawsuits have been filed against
pharmeceutical company, Pfizer charging that the drug-maker
concealed health risks for its blockbuster cholesterol drug,
Lipitor. A total of 17 personal injury lawsuits have been filed
that accuse Pfizer of deceptive marketing practices for not
informing doctors or patients about the risks.
- Chicago-based USG Corporation emerged from bankruptcy after
5 years in Chapter 11, when mounting legal claims from asbestos
injuries forced it to restructure. USG paid out more than $450
million in claims and will now fund a trust in order to compensate
others for currently pending claims.
- Clinical psychologist Janis Abrahms Spring says that forgiving
others for a personal injury is not mandatory for healing from
a therapeutic vantage point. With 30 years of experience treating
patients, Dr. Spring says that the choice of whether or not
to forgive someone is more important than the act.
- In Winona, Minnesota a 38-year-old man has sued the Diocese
of Winona with the claim he was sexually abused as a teenager
by former priest Thomas Adamson. Adamson was relieved of his
duties in 1975 after multiple lawsuits revealed a history of
abuse. The lawsuit accuses both the Archdiocese and Winona Diocese
of negligence and fraud.
- Notwithstanding some isolated (but rapidly dwindling) agreement
that Merck is following a sound business policy in not attempting
to negotiate a global Vioxx settlement, most financial and legal
experts are now convinced of the imprudence of that strategy.
The same jury that awarded $4.5 million in compensatory damages
against Merck only last week, has now returned an additional
$9 million punitive damage award in the same New Jersey case.
- With insurance companies lined up on one side, lawyers and
doctors on the other, Florida political leaders are on the fence
over what to do about the state's no-fault auto insurance law.
The Personal Injury Protection law - PIP in political parlance
- dies next year if the Legislature fails to re-approve it.
- Merck faces 9,650 personal injury suits in the U.S. and about
190 class-action claims for personal injury or economic damages.
Merck has lost one personal-injury case, which it is appealing,
and it has won two other cases. Another personal-injury case,
involving two plaintiffs who allege that the arthritis drug
Vioxx caused their heart attacks, is being deliberated by a
New Jersey state court jury.
- A $12 million settlement, with some 300 class-action plaintiffs,
involving Zicam and its manufacturer, Matrix Corp., has not
stopped people from coming forward with additional personal
injury claims alleging the over-the-counter (OTC) nasal spray
has caused them to lose their sense of smell and/or taste.
- SickofLawsuits.org today launched a national television advertising
campaign as part of Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week (LAAW), October
3-7, to educate the public about the consequences of frivolous
lawsuits. Titled "The Game," the advertisement highlights
the costs we all pay for meritless lawsuits and outrageous jury
- Attorney General Eliot Spitzer today announced the conviction
of A Nassau County personal injury attorney and his law firm
for offering false instruments for filing and for scheming to
defraud insurance companies under New York States No-Fault
Insurance Law, which provides for payment to people injured
in motor vehicle accidents. Daivery Taylor, 37, of Freeport,
and his law firm, Silverman & Taylor, were found guilty
after a two-week trial before Nassau County Court Judge Jeffrey
Brown. Sentencing is set for November.
- L. Dennis Kozlowski, the former CEO of Tyco International
Ltd., and former Tyco finance chief Mark Swartz were sentenced
Monday to up to 25 years in prison for stealing hundreds of
millions of dollars from the company. State Supreme Court Justice
Michael Obus ordered Kozlowski and Swartz to pay a total of
$134 million in restitution; in addition, Kozlowski was fined
$70 million, Swartz $35 million. The sentences end a case that
exposed the executives' extravagant lifestyle after they pilfered
some $600 million from the company including a $2 million toga
birthday party for Kozlowski's wife on a Mediterranean island
and an $18 million Manhattan apartment with a $6,000 shower
- Merck & Co. must pay more than $253 million to the family
of a Texas man who died after taking the company's Vioxx painkiller,
a jury ruled in the first personal-injury case over the drug
to come to trial. Jurors awarded $24.4 million in actual damages
and $229 million in punitive damages to the family of Robert
Ernst. Merck will appeal, spokesman Kent Jarrell said. The company's
shares fell as much as 6.8 percent.
- In Wichita, Kansas, on Thursday serial killer Dennis Rader
was sentenced to ten life terms. He had confessed to torturing
and killing ten people, saying that demons drove him to do it.
Rader called himself BTK, for Bind, Torture and Kill. He will
not be eligible for parole for at least 40 years.
- The number of personal injury cases that were decided by a
trial in federal courts has declined by almost 80% since 1985
as more suits have been settled, a Justice Department report
said Wednesday. In 2003, the most recent year of the study,
there were 768 trials, down from 3,604 in 1985. The annual number
of personal-injury cases in the federal court system varied
over the 33 years of the study, averaging 44,770. There were
49,166 cases in 2003.
- Owners of thousands of Ford light trucks have a bigger concern
than high fuel prices, their vehicles could catch fire. Even
though they've been warned and offered a repair, CBS News reports
that some of the owners are not doing anything about it.
- Another Ford truck in Houston, TX burst into flames in Pearland
late Tuesday, seven months after Ford announced a massive recall
because a cruise control problem could lead to fires. "It's
scary. It could have burned down my house," said Laura
Voos, who owned the truck.
- Following a six week trial, a Los Angeles jury returned a
defense verdict in a closely watched case involving claims of
bodily injury from exposure to mold in a single family residence
located in West Covina, California.
- Strip club lawsuit is settled in Michigan. The first honeymoon
didnt go so well, so 28-year-old Justin Scheidt plans
to take a second honeymoon with his wife, Elizabeth, using money
he received in a settlement with a local strip club. The couple,
married in 2002, werent able to consummate their marriage
during their first honeymoon on Mackinac Island a lifetime
event that was ruined because of an injury Scheidt suffered
during his bachelor party at Showgirl III.
- An island teen filed a lawsuit Thursday against the owners
of the car wash where he worked, charging negligence by management
caused him a disfiguring injury. John Thomas was 15 in July
2003 when he worked at Ritz Car Wash, 2712 61st Street. The
lawsuit claims the car wash manager told Thomas to work on a
chain system that lay beneath the car wash works. While Thomas
was working on the chains, the manager turned the system on,
the lawsuit charges.
- A spokesman for Gov. Mark Sanford was arrested after he kicked
open the door at his home and shoved his fiancee into furniture,
police said. Will Folks, 30, turned himself in to police Saturday
and was charged with criminal domestic violence. He was released
on a personal recognizance bond.
- Its only a few pages of court filings but its
the biggest lawsuit against Dennis Rader so far. Kevin Bright
is suing the BTK killer for shooting him three times and the
agony that followed. He had to have his skull opened up
and had to have a bullet removed from his brain, said
Mark Hutton, Brights attorney.
- In the midst of the cloud surrounding Duke University Hospital
in which thousands of patients underwent surgery with instruments
bathed in hydraulic fluid, a former patient of Duke University
Medical Center has hired personal injury law firm, Brent Adams
& Associates, to pursue a claim against the North Carolina
- A new study published in the July issue of the American Journal
of Preventive Medicine indicates that overweight individuals
are at a higher risk for injury than people who are physically
fit. Obese people were found to be twice as likely to injure
themselves, with more than 1 out of 4 extremely overweight men
reporting injury in the last year as opposed to less than 1
in 5 normal weight men.
- Reilly Industries in Granite Cit, IL faces a $50,000 lawsuit
by a former worker claiming permanent injuries from a Jan. 28,
2004 tank explosion. Santel Underwood, a pipe fitter, filed
the complaint July 18 in Madison County Circuit Court claiming
Reilly was negligent for failing to remove hazardous or flammable
fumes from the tank and de-pressurizing it.AUSTIN, Texas -(Dow
Jones)- The Texas attorney general is suing Merck & Co.
(MRK), alleging the pharmaceutical giant bilked Texas out of
millions of dollars in Medicaid payments by misrepresenting
the safety of its Vioxx painkiller.
- The CPSC said approximately 12,500 firework-related injuries
were treated in 1992. The CPSC said the number of fireworks-related
injuries treated in 2004 dropped to 9,600. The numbers represent
a 70-percent decline in fireworks-related injuries for the past
decade. Injury rates have dramatically decreased in the last
decade because safety precautions are being followed.
- Seven personal injury lawsuits seeking a combined total of
$33.7 million were filed in Madison County Circuit Court on
behalf of plaintiffs claiming they were exposed to manganese-containing
welding fumes which resulted in their neurological injuries.
- After falling through an opening at the entrance of Maxwell's
Restaurant in Belleville, IL Michael Payeur filed suit seeking
in excess of $150,000 for injuries he suffered to his right
- WASHINGTON, DC, United States (UPI) -- A possible fire-igniting
switch in more than 3.7 million Ford vehicles is under investigation
by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Ford,
which has made two recalls related to the problem, says it is
cooperating in the investigation. The federal agency says it
has received 559 complaints of spontaneous fires, 253 of them
in unrecalled models, and its latest investigation includes
the 1995 model years of the F-150, Expedition and Lincoln Navigator
- A Kansas City jury yesterday found that Ford Motor Co. wasnt
liable in the May 2003 death of a Missouri State Highway Patrol
trooper when his Crown Victoria was struck from behind and caught
- A 24-year-old babysitter has been charged with Injury to a
Child after a pair of 23-month-old twins drowned while in her
- Bisnar & Chase, a law firm specializing in complex personal
injury cases, announced a $704,663 jury verdict for damages
against Southern California Edison for an accident in which
a 14-year-old boy was blinded in one eye. The incident involved
a Southern California Edison employee who shot a boy with a
paint ball gun while on duty outside the town of Big Creek.
- In Michigan, mold exposure has jumped to the forefront of
significant personal injury claims with a recent $925,000 award
in Wayne County Circuit Court to an apartment resident.
- The Cochran Firm, founded by famed attorney Johnnie L. Cochran,
Jr., and one of America's largest personal injury plaintiff's
law firms, has announced it will combine its practice with Imhoff
and Associates, one of the nation's largest and foremost criminal
defense firms.
- Attorny John D. O'Connor identifies FBI second-in-command
as "Deep Throat" in the Watergate hearings. Journalist
Bob Woodward has confirmed this.
- Police believe it was a freak accident that killed a Weslaco,
TX woman Friday morning. They said she backed out her driveway
before stopping to open a gate. Police said as she tried to
close the gate, her car somehow rolled backward and over her.
- Derrick Ketchum, an employee of Owens Brockway Glass Container
in Godfrey, filed a 12-count, $600,000 suit against his employer
and Castrol Inc. claiming he was sickened from exposure to Syntilo
9918 and other metal working fluids.
- Cleveland Browns tight end Kellen Winslow Jr, who was involved
in a severe motorcycle accident,. might also have violated Paragraph
3 of the standard NFL player contract that forbids engaging
in any activity that ''may involve a significant risk of personal
- Two Mobile radiologists who worked for companies that tested
people for asbestosis and silicosis have received subpoenas
from New York-based federal prosecutors investigating the testing
industry, the doctors said, one through his attorney.
- APPLE VALLEY, CA An Apple Valley man died after he was
Tasered at least twice by sheriff's deputies, once while in
custody in the West Valley Detention Center in Rancho Cucamonga,
- SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A jury Wednesday awarded nearly $5.8
million in damages to three men and a woman who were childhood
victims of sexual abuse by a Roman Catholic priest. The archdiocese
acknowledged at the start of the 2 1/2-week trial that church
officials knew in the 1970s the Rev. Joseph Pritchard had been
accused of molesting young parishioners in San Jose, but did
not investigate the claims or take steps to protect the children.
- by Lisa Leff Associated Press Writer
- Plaintiff's attorney and Illinois State Rep. Jay Hoffman
(D-112) filed a personal injury lawsuit on behalf of his client
Gurvir Grewal in St. Clair County Circuit Court April 6--a day
in which the state legislature was in session. According to
the suit filed by Hoffman, Grewal claims that Jimmy Hamilton
carelessly crossed into his lane of traffic on Interstate 55/70
near the 10th mile marker in East St. Louis and caused a collision.
Grewal was driving a 1998 Freightliner semi-truck and Hamilton,
a 1993 Dodge Dakota. - by By Steve Gonzalez - Belleville Bureau
- A final settlement of $3,990,000 will be paid by BNSF Railway
in the civil case of those claiming property damage and personal
injury resulting from Mandan diesel fuel contamination. The
personal injury awards ranged from $22,500 to $32,800. In the
jury decision, BNSF was found 90 percent to 95 percent liable
in the property damage cases, but only 51 percent liable in
the personal injury cases. - by Gordon Weixel, Bismarck Tribune
- Attorneys representing patients who claim to have suffered
injury as a result of using Pfizer's arthritis painkiller Bextra
on Friday asked a judicial panel in Washington, D.C., to move
all the related lawsuits in the US to one federal court in New
Orleans for consolidation and management. The action came in
the wake of Pfizer's announcement on Thursday that it would
suspend sales and marketing of Bextra. - by Ron Gara, Daily
News Central
- Many people have lost most or all of their personal injury
compensation in legal costs while defending insurance company
appeals. Amid a public liability crisis in 2002, with excessive
payouts and frivolous claims sending premiums skyrocketing,
reforms were introduced to cap legal costs and payouts. But
the caps are allowing insurance companies to drag out cases
through exhaustive appeals, forcing people to either drop claims
or settle for less. - by Anna Patty, The Daily Telegraph
- Merck & Co., the nation's third-largest drug maker, is
in talks with U.S. regulators about resuming sales of the withdrawn
Vioxx painkiller, Chief Executive Officer Raymond Gilmartin
said Friday. A nod by the FDA to resume selling the drug may
help Merck fight personal-injury lawsuits more than it would
lift profit, analysts said in February after the company's Peter
Kim declined to rule out a return. The FDA said April 7 that
it ``will carefully review any proposal from Merck'' for clearance.
- A group of alleged clergy-abuse victims has asked a bankruptcy
judge to block the use of church donations to pay attorneys
representing parishes and individual church members in the bankruptcy
of a Catholic archdiocese in Oregon. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese
of Portland filed for bankruptcy protection last July to halt
lawsuits filed by alleged abuse victims who are demanding compensation
from the church. The case is pending in the U.S. Bankruptcy
Court for the District of Oregon before Judge Elizabeth L. Perris.
- by MATTHEW C. MCNALLY, ESQ., Andrews Publications
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