Personal Injury Lawyers
Vermont personal injury lawyers are featured on this page. The
state of Vermont has laws, which are specific from every other
state, so when choosing a personal injury lawyer, make sure he
or she is well versed not only in personal injury issues but state
law as well. The list of Vermont personal injury lawyers we provide
is not comprehensive as there are many fine attorneys not listed
here. The lawyers we do list, however, have a fine reputation
and are well versed in Vermont personal injury law.

Any member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the
State of Vermont and any full- or part-time professor of law,
while serving as such at an American Bar Association accredited
law school, located in the State of Vermont, who is not admitted
to the practice of law in this State, and any Judge who presides
in Federal and State Courts in the State of Vermont, may become
a member of the Association upon application and approval by a
majority vote of the members of the Board of Managers present
voting at any Board of Managers Meeting, and upon payment to the
Treasurer of the Association dues.
Students enrolled at an accredited law school, law clerks registered with the Vermont Supreme Court for
four-year study pursuant to Administrative Order §8 of Vermont Statutes Annotated, who have
completed one year of study, and individuals who have taken and passed the Vermont Bar Exam and are
awaiting admission while completing their clerkship and individuals licensed to practice law in another
jurisdiction who are awaiting admission while completing their clerkship and paralegals who are voting
members of the Vermont Paralegal Organization or who are certified as paralegals by a Vermont
attorney according to standards adopted by the Board of Managers* may become associate non-voting
members of the Association upon application and approval by a majority vote of the members of the
Board of Managers present and voting at any Board of Managers Meeting, and upon payment to the
Treasurer of the Association dues.

Personal Injury Lawyers
O'Neill Kellner & Green - located in Burlington
and throughout the state, the law firm specializes in cases involving
personal injury, motor vehicle accidents, wrongful death, medical
malpractice, product liability, nursing home negligence and abuse,
worker's compensation, construction accidents and traumatic brain
Stevens Law Office - located
in Stowe, the firm represents clients in the following practice
areas: personal injury, defective products, motor vehicle accidents
and wrongful death cases.
Welch, Graham & Manby, LLP - has represented personal injury
clients in Vermont since 1978. Located in White River Junction,
the firm specializes in cases involving medical malpractice, motor
vehicle accidents, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries,
defective products, construction accidents and wrongful death.
We've listed the most reputable Vermont personal injury lawyers that
we can find. That does not mean that this list is exclusionary of
other fine personal injury lawyers in Vermont as well. The small
list of lawyers listed, though is a good place to start if you're
seeking representation by a qualified attorney. Remember, most lawyers
will offer free consultations for personal injury cases, but be
sure to verify this when you're making your first appointment. Also,
if you've had a good experience with a qualified Vermont personal
injury lawyer that you'd like to share, then please send it in,
to share with others.