Personal Injury Lawyers
It's no secret that Kentucky personal injury lawyers handle claims
from Louisville to Lexington and from Bowling Green to Pikeville.
It is in the best interests of the Kentucky personal injury lawyers
and their clients that they keep informed about changes in current
law within the state as well as current events and news.

The Kentucky Bar Association is an independent agency of the
Supreme Court of Kentucky. Its authority to regulate the legal
profession in Kentucky, delegated by the Kentucky Supreme Court
through rules, is derived from the Kentucky Constitution.
The mission and purpose of the Association is to maintain a proper
discipline of the members of the bar in accordance with these
Rules and with the principles of the legal profession as a public
calling, to initiate and supervise, with the approval of the Court,
appropriate means to insure a continuing high standard of professional
competence on the part of the members of the Bar, and to bear
a substantial and continuing responsibility for promoting the
efficiency and improvement of the judicial system.
Supreme Court Rule 3.070 provides that the Board of Governors is
the governing body of the Association and the agent of the Court
for the purpose of administering and enforcing the Rules of the
Court governing the practice of law. Membership of the Board consists
of attorneys including the KBA president, president-elect, vice
president, the immediate past president, the chair and chair-elect
of the House of Delegates, the chair of the Young Lawyer's Section
and two attorneys elected from the membership of the Association
in each Supreme Court District. In addition, there are four lay
members that serve on the Board of Governors for consideration of
disciplinary cases.

Kentucky Personal
Injury Lawyers
News Briefs:
Wife of pilot Jeff Clay has hired several Kentucky personal injury
lawyers to file a lawsuit on her behalf because of the wrongful
death of her husband in the Comair Flight 5191 crash. Mrs. Clay
has joined several others who are also suing Comair for wrongful
death and negligence in the high-publicized case.
William and Joann Potter have enlisted the help of their Kentucky
personal injury lawyers to file a lawsuit against 52 companies
for asbestos
poisoning. Mr. Potter from South Shore, KY has been diagnosed
with a rare form of cancer, mesothelioma, that is caused by inhalation
of asbestos fiber primarily in the manufacturing and construction