Personal Injury Lawyers
Tennessee personal injury lawyers practice law and litigation
from Memphis to Knoxville and from Nashville to Chattanooga along
with other big and small cities around the state. The top Tennessee
personal injury lawyers are well-versed in changes in tort law
within the state and use this information on behalf of the best
interests of their clients.

The purposes of the Tennessee Bar Association shall
be to foster legal education, maintain the honor and dignity of
the legal profession, enhance the performance of the legal profession,
cultivate professional ethics and fellowship among its members
and promote responsible relationships between the legal profession
and the public.
Since its founding in 1881, the TBA has committed
itself to the professional growth and service of Tennessee attorneys.
The organization has been a strong voice for attorneys throughout
its history, leading the way to reforms in the General Assembly,
the courts and in the public arena. Recently, the TBA completed
a seven-year task of developing more workable ethics rules and
saw them adopted by the Tennessee Supreme Court.
In addition, the TBA is a ready resource for members. It offers
one of the top Continuing Legal Education programs in the state,
provides a wide array of publications and electronic forums to
keep members informed, and coordinates the work of more than 40
sections, committees and divisions to meet the needs of its members
in specialized practices.

Personal Injury Lawyers
Tennessee personal injury lawyers need to know the nuances of
past and present lawsuits presented in the state. Some of the
more notable case law includes the policemen and firemen's rule,
the liability of parents for acts of a child and the locality
rule in medical malpractice.
Besides case law, Tennessee personal injury lawyers would be
well suited to know recent and past high-profile lawsuits as references
for their practice. Such lawsuits include the 38-year-old Geier
college desegregation case, Blue Cross Blue Shield class action
and the Velsicol Chemical claim.