Funny accidents happen to us all. Even though these funny accidents
may not seem funny at the time, in retrospect, many are. Although
personal injury is a serious business, we also need to be able
to laugh at the funny accidents of others and ourselves (especially
when no one gets hurt). Many of those funniest home video shows
point out the humor in small, daily accidents.
The two-year-old who puts a sandwich in the VCR slot may be an
example of a funny accident (especially if nothing is damaged).
The fly that lands on someone's face at an inopportune time may
be another example of a funny accident. We are all prone to being
the victims of funny accidents just by being alive.
The boy who shares his peanut butter sandwich with his dog and
the dog's continual lapping can be viewed as a funny accident
or the cow that mysteriously made its way to the other side of
the farmer's fence and is now looking for a way to get back is
another example.
Funny accidents aren't so funny when someone gets hurt or property
is damaged. But, accidents, mishaps, foibles and follies are just
a part of being human and when can laugh at the small things without
sweating them and focus on the big issues instead, then our lives
will be more in balance. And wouldn't that be funny if that actually