Personal Injury Lawyers
For a small, northern state, Idaho personal injury lawyers cover
a lot of ground. From Boise to Pocatello and from Twin Falls to
Sandpoint, Idaho personal injury lawyers help clients be being
abreast of the current legal information, reforms and laws impacting
the state, plus and high-profile cases and scandals as well.

The Idaho State Bar (ISB) is a self-governing state agency of
Idaho. Portions of the Idaho Code pertaining to the practice of
law in Idaho date back to 1881, however, the present integrated
Bar was established by the Legislature in 1923 and 1925. As an
integrated Bar, all attorneys practicing law in Idaho must be
licensed by the Idaho State Bar.
The ISB operates under power and authority delegated by the Idaho
Supreme Court through its rule-making power and under statutory
authority of the Legislature. The Bar is governed by five commissioners,
elected from Idahos seven judicial districts. Two commissioners
are elected from the Fourth District, one represents the First
and Second Districts, one the Third and Fifth Districts and one
the Sixth and Seventh Districts. Commissioners serve staggered
three-year terms.
The ISB is financed by license fees paid by each Idaho attorney
together with miscellaneous fees and revenues. It is totally self
sufficient and requires no tax dollars. Most of the activities
carried out by the ISB are accomplished by the volunteer efforts
of individual attorneys working with staff support.

Idaho Personal
Injury Lawyers
News Briefs:
The Senator Larry Craig scandal have many Idaho personal injury
lawyers wondering what the fallout will be. Many other U. S. Congressmen
have called for the Senator to step down. But, if Senator Craig
decides to fight, he most likely will enlist the help of several
Idaho personal injury lawyers since this high-profile event is
ripe for wrongful termination and defamation of character charges.
Only time will tell what the true fallout will be and what Senator
Craig will decide to do, if anything, in regard to settling this