Personal Injury Lawyers
People need to take note that Montana personal injury lawyers
set up shop from Billings to Great Falls and from Missoula to
Glendive plus a plethora of places far and wide throughout the
state. In order to stay effect, Mississippi personal injury lawyers
will strive to keep educated on current law and current societal
happenings throughout the state.

The voluntary Montana Bar Association, established on January
8, 1885, had by 1889, the year Montana's first constitution was
adopted, a standing committee on legal education and admission
to the Bar.
The State Bar of Montana was created by order of the Montana
Supreme Court in January, 1974. In it's Order, the Court provided
that all persons practicing law in the state were obliged to be
members of the State Bar.
The purposes of the State Bar are to aid the courts in maintaining
and improving the administration of justice; to foster, maintain
and require on the part of attorneys high standards of integrity,
learning, competence, public service and conduct; to safeguard
proper professional interests of the local bar associations; to
provide a forum for discussion of and effective action concerning
subjects pertaining to the practice of law, the science of jurisprudence
and law reform, and relations of the Bar to the public; to provide
for continuing legal education of members of the Bar and to insure
that the responsibilities of the legal profession to the public
are more effectively discharged.

Personal Injury Lawyers
News Briefs:
Montana man receives apology from the Federal government after
his release as an Iraqi detainee. The Montana personal injury
lawyers representing Abdul Habeeb have been at odds with the U.
S. government over the racial profiling case that ended up with
Habeed getting a written apology and $250,000 from the U. S. government.
Mr. Habeeb enlisted the help of his own Montana personal injury
lawyers and the ACLU in the settlement. Abdul Habeeb had been
detained by both Federal border patrol agents and customs agents
in 2003 and was arrested in Havre, Montana and subsequently jailed.