Hampshire Personal Injury Lawyers
New Hampshire personal injury lawyers are featured on this page.
The state of New Hampshire has laws, which are specific from every
other state, so when choosing a personal injury lawyer, make sure
he or she is well versed not only in personal injury issues but
state law as well. The list of New Hampshire personal injury lawyers
we provide is not comprehensive as there are many fine attorneys
not listed here. The lawyers we do list, however, have a fine
reputation and are well versed in New Hampshire personal injury

The purposes of this Association are to improve the administration
of justice; to foster and maintain high standards of conduct,
integrity, competence and public service on the part of those
engaged in the practice of law; to safeguard the proper professional
interests of the members of the Bar; to provide a forum for the
discussion of subjects pertaining to the practice of law, the
science of jurisprudence and law reform, and the relations of
the Bar to the public; to carry on a continuing program of legal
research and education; and to encourage cordial relations among
members of the Bar; all without regard to race, national origin,
religion, creed or gender, and to the end that the public responsibility
of the legal profession may be more effectively discharged. The
Association shall confine its activities before the General Court
to those matters which are related directly to the administration
of justice; the composition and operation of the courts; the practice
of law and the legal profession.
All persons who on the date this Constitution takes effect are
admitted to the practice of law in the State of New Hampshire,
and all persons who shall thereafter become admitted to the practice
of law in this State, shall thereby become members of this Association;
subject in each case to due compliance with the requirements of
membership. Residence in the State of New Hampshire shall not
be a qualification for membership in the Association.

New Hampshire
Personal Injury Lawyers
Abramson, Brown & Dugan - a plaintiffs' trial firm recognized
for its advocacy on behalf of New Hampshire families. The law
firm has extensive experience in medical malpractice and other
complex personal injury litigation. Located in Manchester.
Brian T. Stern Law Offices - Located in Dover, the law firm specializes
in personal injury, vehicle accidents, catastrophic injuries,
wrongful death, product liability, worker's compensation and medical
O'Meara Law - with offices in both Keene and Claremont, this
law firm specializes in car accidents, worker's compensation,
wrongful death, brain injuries, catastrophic injuries, children's
injuries, medical malpractice and defective product cases.
We've listed the most reputable New Hampshire personal injury lawyers
that we can find. That does not mean that this list is exclusionary
of other fine personal injury lawyers in New Hampshire as well. The
small list of lawyers listed, though is a good place to start
if you're seeking representation by a qualified attorney. Remember,
most lawyers will offer free consultations for personal injury
cases, but be sure to verify this when you're making your first
appointment. Also, if you've had a good experience with a qualified
New Hampshire personal injury lawyer that you'd like to share, then
please send it in, to share with others.