Dakota Personal Injury Lawyers
In this northern state bordering on Canada, the North Dakota
personal injury lawyers do due diligence from Grand Forks to Williston
and from Bismark to Minot plus plenty of other places within the
state borders. There are plenty of claims for North Dakota personal
injury lawyers to handle including medical, product liability
and auto accidents.

Founded in 1899, the 1,800-member State Bar Association of North
Dakota is the official statewide organization of lawyers and the
oldest unified state bar association in the nation. The mission
of the State Bar Association is to promote justice and to serve
the lawyers and the people of North Dakota.
The North Dakota Bar Foundation is a nonprofit corporation formed
- Recognize and support programs that improve the level of legal
education and lawyer standards
- Protect and preserve North Dakota legal history
- Encourage public service by lawyers and those involved with
the justice system
- The North Dakota Bar Foundation also administers the Interest
on Lawyers Trust
Accounts Program which:
- Provides support for civil legal services for the poor
- Public education about the law
- Improvement in the administration of justice

North Dakota
Personal Injury Lawyers
News Briefs:
Charles Geigle of Oliver County, and his North Dakota personal
injury lawyers have filed a class-action lawsuit against a company
implicated in a body parts scandal. Geigle had back surgery in
2004 and received tissue that was illegally acquired.
According to the lawsuit, the company, Biomedical Tissue Services,
which is now out of business supplied body parts and tissues from
cadavers without donor or family consent. The U. S. FDA is concerned
with the selling of such tissue especially in regard for the potential
to transmit HIV / AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis and other diseases.