Personal Injury Lawyers
Not all Iowa personal injury lawyers practice in Davenport or
Sioux City, Cedar Rapids, Fort Dodge or Des Moines as many have
settled in various other places around the state as well. One
legal aspect that Iowa personal injury lawyers need to be aware
of involve defective products and recent recalls within the state.

The Iowa State Bar Association is a vibrant, progressive organization
that provides Iowa attorneys with the benefits of professional
association with their colleagues. Its benefits include continuing
legal education, practice aids, interaction with the judiciary
and legislature, participation in reform of the law, and news
regarding developments impacting the profession.
The ISBA includes lawyers young and old, newly licensed as well
as retired, residents and nonresidents (including military), active
and inactive, lawyers in practice, and those working for business,
government, and in other lines of work. In all, the Association
includes approximately 7,500 lawyers and judges in Iowas
99 counties and beyond.
The Iowa State Bar Association also can lay legitimate claim to
being the oldest voluntary state bar association in the United States,
having been formed initially in 1874, four years before even the
American Bar Association. In that year, Iowa had been a state for
28 years and boasted a population of 1.5 million, which made it
10th among the 37 states.

Personal Injury Lawyers
Because consumers place their faith in manufacturers and distributors
when they purchase and consume a product, the company that made
the product is to be held liable if the purchased product proves
to be defective. This can occur with virtually any product that
is purchased including children's toys, household appliances,
or food.
If an individual finds that they have consumed a defective product
and have been injured as a result, they may file a lawsuit to
try to recover any damages that they have incurred as a result
of the injury. Product recalls falls under the area of tort law
as these being defective. Iowa personal injury lawyers have recently
been on alert for a product recall that has just been announced.
Agriprocessors Inc. is a company that is located in Postville,
Iowa. This company is recalling over 35,000 pounds of frozen beef
and chicken products. The recall is due to the fact that these
products contain egg albumen, which is a known allergen. The ingredient
of egg albumen was not listed on the label, placing consumer with
the allergy at risk.
The products that were involved in the recall were: "Aaron's
Best Nugget Shaped Chicken Breast Patties", "Aaron's
Best Meatballs, made with beef, glatt kosher, fully cooked",
"Rubashkin's, Aaron's Best, Glatt Kosher" twelve pound
boxes, and "Rubashkin's, Aaron's Best, Glatt Kosher"
one pound box.
These products were manufactured between January 14 and July
3 and were shipped to different distribution centres throughout
the country. The Kosher products had also been shipped to retail
The Food and Safety Inspection Service discovered the problem
although there had been no reports of illness due to the mislabelling.
Should someone become ill from consuming these products, and if
they had done so before the recall had been announced, that individual
would have a case to file a lawsuit in the State of Iowa and would
at that time be able to hire an Iowa personal injury lawyer.