Personal Injury Lawyers
In the West, Nevada personal injury lawyers take on cases from
Las Vegas to Reno and from Laughlin to Elko plus many other locales
in this diverse state. For Nevada personal injury lawyers to be
effective they need to be aware of current laws in the state that
affect the citizens and their own industry. One recent development
is the restrictions on attorney advertising in the state.

The purposes of the Nevada State Bar shall be:
(a) to govern the legal profession in Nevada as provided in N.R.S.
7275(1) and under the exclusive jurisdiction and control of the
Supreme Court of Nevada
(b) to advance the science of jurisprudence;
(c) to improve the administration of justice;
(d) to promote reform in the law and in judicial procedure;
(e) to uphold the honor, integrity, professionalism and dignity
of the profession of law;
(f) to apply its knowledge and experience in the field of law
to the promotion of the public good;
(g) to enhance the professional competence and ethical conduct
of members of the Bar;
(h) to improve the availability of competent legal services to
all segments of the community;
(I) to seek fulfillment of the obligations of the legal profession
in the courts and in the community;
(j) to advance public understanding of the law, the system of
justice and the role of lawyers;
(k) to encourage higher and better education for members of the
profession and to provide educational programs for lawyers to
understand the particular nuances of Nevada law and to maintain
and enhance the skills of practicing lawyers, thus providing to
the public quality services in the legal profession (S. Ct. April
6, 1990 Order re: C.L.E.);
(l) to fix and determine the qualifications for admission to the
practice of law in this State;
(m) to administer an attorney disciplinary system;
(n) to do such other things as necessary and proper to accomplish
the purposes of the Nevada State Bar as enumerated.

Personal Injury Lawyers
Advertising plays a huge part in tort law. Because this area
of law applies to any individual that has been hurt due to the
negligence of others, legal professionals often need to advertise
their services to allow clients to find and contact these lawyers
easily when they need help.
In September 2007 however, there are changes being made to Nevada's
rules and regulations regarding the advertising of legal services.
This is important for Nevada personal injury lawyers, who often
use advertising as a way to promote themselves.
These changes took effect on September 1, 2007 and include new
provisions, and the relaxation or complete elimination of past
provisions. This is the first major revision that the Nevada Supreme
Court has made regarding the advertising of legal services. Many
of these changes affect all Nevada personal injury lawyers and
are not specific to those that advertise on television, in print,
or on radio.
The biggest change made to the advertising regulations of legal
services is that all ads now need to be submitted to a committee
that will review them before they go into circulation. Currently,
any Nevada personal injury lawyer can place any ad in any media
that they like. This makes it impossible for those trying to regulate
advertising know about every single ad, in every phone book, or
on every radio station.
The ads will be submitted to the Board of Governors and failure
to submit an ad is in itself, a basis for disciplinary action.
Nevada personal injury lawyers would also like a committee to
be reviewing their ads before they place them because it can protect
them at a later date from being disciplined. This new revision
will be as much for the Nevada personal injury lawyer's protection
as it will be for the public's protection.
This is just the main change that the Nevada Supreme Court has
made regarding advertising lawyers. All of the revisions will
make for a more stream-lined method of advertising for those Nevada
personal injury lawyers that wish to do so.