Personal Injury Lawyers
Wisconsin personal injury lawyers work throughout the state from
Milwaukee to Superior and from Madison to Eau Claire. It is up
to the Wisconsin personal injury lawyers to see to it that their
clients throughout the state have their rights protected and that
they receive the compensation to which they are entitled.

The Wisconsin Bar was organized on Jan. 9, 1878,
as a voluntary association. After reorganization in 1947, the
Wisconsin Bar opened its first full-time staffed office on Dec.
1, 1948, and services to members increased markedly. In June 1956
the Wisconsin Supreme Court ordered the Bar integrated, with membership
a condition for the practice of law in Wisconsin. Membership and
services immediately zoomed, with 6,700 lawyers enrolled by 1967.
In February 1988 a federal district court decision ruled unconstitutional
the Wisconsin Supreme Court's requirement that all lawyers join
the State Bar as a condition of practicing law in this state.
Following that decision, the Wisconsin Supreme Court suspended
the mandatory membership rule. The district court ruling has been
overturned, and it is permissible for the Wisconsin Supreme Court
to require Wisconsin lawyers to join the State Bar of Wisconsin
as a condition of practicing law in Wisconsin. On March 10, 1992,
following a public hearing on the State Bar Board of Governors'
petition to reinstate the integrated bar, the supreme court ordered
the mandatory membership requirement reinstated, effective July
1, 1992. Nearly 87 percent of the lawyers in Wisconsin chose to
become voluntary members of the State Bar.
The American Bar Association has long considered the State Bar
of Wisconsin to be one of the most innovative, productive and
service-oriented bars in the country. This distinction has been
attributed to the strong volunteerism Wisconsin lawyers exercise
in their work with committees, sections and divisions.

Personal Injury Lawyers
Wisconsin personal injury lawyers will most assuredly be familiar
with tort law in the state so that they may represent their clients
effectively. Such case law may include the limitations on economic
and non-economic damages, the abolishment of joint liability,
the rules for contributory and comparative negligence and the
abolishment of the assumption of risk.
Most Wisconsin personal injury lawyers will also be up-to-date
on past and present high-profile lawsuits within the state that
have had or may have an impact on case law. Such lawsuits include
Quiznos Sub, right to life, E. coli spinach and Qualcomm patents.