Personal Injury Lawyers
Oregon personal injury lawyers practice from the northern edge
of Portland to the southern tip of Medford as well as Eugene and
La Grande and everywhere else in the state. Oregon personal injury
lawyers need to be well aware of the particular tort laws of the
state including its joint and several rule, modified comparative
negligence laws and the repeal of the limit on non-economic damages.

The Oregon State Bar (OSB) was established in 1935 by the Oregon
Legislative Assembly to license and discipline lawyers, regulate
the practice of law, and provide a variety of services to bar
members and the public. The bar is a public corporation and an
instrumentality of the Oregon Judicial Department. It is funded
entirely by membership and program fees, and does not receive
any financial support in the form of taxpayer dollars from the
states general fund. Membership is mandatory for lawyers
who wish to practice law in Oregon.
The OSB has more than 16,000 active and inactive members. Of
the approximately 12,500 active members, just over 6,500 work
in private practice. In addition to private practice; Oregon lawyers
work in government, corporate, or other business settings. More
than 3,000 active members are women. Approximately 1,900 active
members reside out-of-state.
A sixteen-member volunteer Board of Governors oversees the activities
of the OSB. Twelve board members are lawyers, elected by geographic
region by bar members. The remaining four volunteers are public
(non-lawyer) members appointed by the Board of Governors based
on their areas of interest and expertise.

Personal Injury Lawyers
There are some other statutes on the books that Oregon personal
injury lawyers need to be aware of in order to practice law effectively
in the state. Such items as the state having no limit on punitive
damages, not allowing for medical monitoring without physical
injury and giving the judge a similar standard to the Daubert,
gatekeeper stance regarding unreliable expert testimony all need
to be fully understood by the Oregon personal injury lawyers.
In addition, Oregon personal injury lawyers would do well to
be up-to-date on recent and past high-profile laws and lawsuits
happening in the state. For instance, the Oregon personal injury
lawyers should know what is happening with same sex marriage,
domestic spying and the RIAA class-action suit. Other suits the
attorney should have a working knowledge of include the Hit Man
publisher settlement, Zhijian Chen Spam case and the Dole E. coli