Personal Injury Lawyers
Though there are not as many Connecticut personal injury lawyers
as attorneys in other states, still these barristers practice
from Hartford to New Haven and from Stamford and Bridgeport to
Norwich and every other town in the state. Connecticut personal
injury lawyers need to be aware of recent news in the state as
some many be involved in cases that make headlines.

The Connecticut Bar Association, Inc., (CBA) is the preeminent
organization for lawyers and the legal profession in Connecticut.
The CBA is a non-profit organization pursuant to section 501(c)(6)
of the Internal Revenue Code. Through its eleven thousand members,
the CBA is dedicated to promoting public service and advancing
the principles of law and justice.
The CBA was founded on June 2, 1875. Three years later, CBA representatives
held a convention in Saratoga Springs, New York, to consider establishing
a national bar association. The creation of the American Bar Association
was a direct result of that action by the CBA.
From its creation, the CBA was instrumental in developing and
improving court rules, administrating justice, and providing substantive
and networking opportunities for its members.
Over the next century, the CBA began many programs to provide
benefits and resources to members and to improve the practice
of law. These programs include a formal continuing legal education
program, the Connecticut Bar Journal in its official publication,
the Connecticut Lawyer magazine, the Connecticut Council of Bar
Presidents, substantive law sections, and committees.

Connecticut Personal
Injury Lawyers
News Brief:
Connecticut Valley Hospital, the state's oldest and largest mental
hospital has been the location of a series of suicides recently.
The hospital has also been the site of the death of a patient
related to being restrained.
Department of Justice investigators have issued a harsh report
outlining the undue restraint of patients and that treatment practices
are extremely inadequate. The investigations were conducted under
the Civil Rights for Institutionalized Persons Act and expect
the Connecticut personal injuries lawyers to get involved soon
on behalf of those who have been injured.