Personal Injury Lawyers
Most Missouri personal injury lawyers will practice in St. Louis
and Kansas City, which are the two largest cities the state. But,
other Missouri personal injury lawyers will also practice in such
smaller towns as Springfield, Joplin, Cape Girardeau and Hannibal
as well. No matter where they practice, though, the attorneys
need to be aware of product recalls in the state.

The Missouri Bar, the organization representing the lawyers of
Missouri, was created by rule of the Supreme Court of Missouri
in 1944. The preamble to Supreme Court Rule 7, which created the
state bar, says the action was taken "for the purpose of
aiding the lawyers of Missouri in the perfection of a means of
organization that will best aid them in the discharge of their
public duty." That public duty, the rule explains, is to
"strive at all times to uphold the honor and maintain the
dignity of the profession and to improve not only the law but
the administration of justice."
All lawyers who practice in Missouri are required, by the Supreme
Court rule, to belong to The Missouri Bar. This includes lawyers
who, while not residents of Missouri, may have occasion to practice
in Missouri. All members of The Missouri Bar pay an annual enrollment
fee which supports the activities of the organization.
Located in Jefferson City, at 326 Monroe Street, The Missouri
Bar Center houses most the state bar's departments, including
staff responsible for the following activities: administration,
communications, legislation, continuing legal education, minimum
continuing legal education and lawyer services.

Personal Injury Lawyers
There are dozens of recalls every year that Missouri personal
injury lawyers need to be aware of in order to serve their clients
affectively. However, it has now become easier for those who live
in Missouri to know what products have been affected by a recall.
This is also good news for Missouri personal injury lawyers, who
need to keep abreast of such developments.
Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon has added a new page to his
website that places all product recall information in one central
location, making it easy Missouri residents to check back periodically
and see if they have purchased a recalled product.
The sources for this web page include the Food and Drug Administration,
the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Coast Guard.
Whenever new information is released regarding a recall, the
web page will be updated with this information. The recalls listed
on the site will also be updated once there is any news released
by a federal agency relating to those products.
Another large advantage to this site is that although some of
the products may only affect Missouri residents, national recalls
will also always be listed, making this a great resource for anyone
in the country to learn about recent recalls. Any individual that
has concerns, questions, or comments about products sold in the
state can fill out a form with the Missouri Attorney General's
Office. This form is also provided on the site.
This site is a wonderful way to keep Missouri residents and Missouri
personal injury lawyers that represent them a way to stay on top
of product recalls and help them further their case should they
have been injured by one of these products.