Personal Injury Lawyers
Besides mine disaster claims, Utah personal injury lawyers are
also kept busy with other cases throughout the states in towns
such as Salt Lake City, Provo, Ogden and Cedar City. The Utah
personal injury lawyers also handle cases involving product liability,
car accidents and employment discrimination to name a few.

The Utah State Bar is an organization of Utah's
7,500 lawyers and judges. The history of the Utah State Bar began
in the early 1900's with the association of several Utah lawyers
hoping to improve communication within the legal community and
to find ways of serving the general public. In 1931 the Utah Legislature
recognized the need to foster those goals and designated the Utah
State Bar by statute to manage and regulate the legal profession
by licensing all persons who engage in the practice of law.
In 1985, the Utah State Constitution was amended to clarify that regulation of the legal profession should be performed under the Judicial Branch of government through the Utah Supreme Court, and the Bar was "perpetuated, created and continued" to perform regulatory and public interest services under the direction and control of the Supreme Court.
Today's Bar envisions its role as leading society in the creation of a justice system that is understood, valued, respected and accessible to all. Within that vision, we have established a mission of representing lawyers in Utah and serving the public and the legal profession by promoting justice, professional excellence, civility, ethics, respect for and understanding of the law.

Utah Personal
Injury Lawyers
News Briefs:
A former cook at a college and his Utah personal injury lawyers
have filed a discrimination lawsuit. The former cook for the University
of Utah alleges that he was forced to do his duties in a hostile
work environment.
Alessandro Visconti has claimed that his Peruvian ethnicity and
the face that he was badly burned and disfigured in a 1998 accident
played a role in the alleged discrimination from Chartwells Dining
Services. The Utah personal injury lawyers for Visconti have stated
that he was called "The Grinch" because of his appearances
and kept away from patrons.