Carolina Personal Injury Lawyers
South Carolina personal injury lawyers practice from Greenville
to Charleston and from Spartanburg to Augusta and all other cities
and towns around the state as well. South Carolina personal injury
lawyers need to have a wide knowledge-base when it come to tort
law in the Palmetto State.

The South Carolina Bar began in 1884 as the South
Carolina Bar Association, a voluntary organization of approximately
200 lawyers. The South Carolina State Bar was created in 1968.
The two organizations were merged in 1975. Currently the Bar has
a membership of more than 11,000.
The House of Delegates establishes policy for the Bar. It meets
at least twice a year and includes delegates from each judicial
circuit. Between House meetings, the Board of Governors may act
on matters not inconsistent with House policy.
The Bar staff is divided into six divisions: Communications,
Continuing Legal Education, Finance, Membership Services, Public
Services and Media and Technology. The Executive Director directs
the staff and is responsible to the Board for the Bar’s day-to-day

South Carolina
Personal Injury Lawyers
South Carolina personal injury lawyers need to be well aware
of tort law in the state in order to practice effectively on behalf
of their clients. For instance, the South Carolina personal injury
lawyers should know about Tort Reform bill H. 3008 that was passed
in 2005 and what that means in regards to limitations for their
Other areas in which South Carolina personal injury lawyers need
to be well-versed include the fact that economic and non-economic
damages are now limited in regard to joint liability, modified
comparative negligence is the rule and there is an extended statute
of limitations for asbestos cases.
Attorneys should also be aware that there is market share liability
in asbestos cases and compliance with government standards is
not an argument for liability.