Getting in an elevator (lift) can feel like a daring, worrying experience. Those who don’t like being in confined and tight spaces will know exactly just how this can feel. However, when a lift that we get into does actually lead to a problem, it’s easy to see why people react with so much fear and shock. Lifts are supposed to make our lives easier – so when one fails, people often take action as form of compensation.

Indeed, this is now the case of a court action in Fort Worth, where a nurse in a Fort Worth hospital is suing the Thyssenkruppt Elevator Corp. after the elevator that she was using was plunged a series of floors, causing significant injuries, according to the lawsuit which was filed in Tarrant County district court.
The nurse, named as Rogena Wright, works at the Texas Health Methodist Hospital, and is an administrative supervisor at Harris-Alliance, also. On January 23rd, 2018, she was riding the lift at the Harris-Alliance when it fell down several stories, causing her to suffer injuries in the landing.
Also, the lawsuit alleges that there had been other incidents involving the elevator in the time prior to the incident with Wright. There were also recorded incidents after the event – though the lawsuit itself is sketchy on the details of other such incidents.
Two inspectors are named as part of the lawsuit, too, having been accused of failing to detect dangerous conditions within the elevator. According to the lawsuit, Thyssenkrupp failed in their duty to maintain their elevator to the correct standard.
The injuries suffered were extensive, including a herniated disk, injuries to the left ankle and lower back, bruising to the arms and issues including headaches, dizziness and tingling in the back, arms, feet and also head. The lawsuit claims that Wright has been unable to work due to the issues.
Suing Thyssenkrupp and the inspectors for a sum of $1 million, the firm’s spokesperson said simply that the firm will not comment on impending litigation.
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